Monday, April 28, 2008


More shoots for spring! Eating spring shoots gives you the kind of energy that you can only get from eating plants that gather the seasons first rays of sun and first rain showers. Good for preparing for a long cycling tour! These were sauteéd and eaten with a light chicken broth soup, with baguette and garlic aoli on the side.

Sunnyside up

Creyde is at home today, sick with a head cold. What better comfort food is there than Tello's fresh eggs and some local spring asparagus? This was a mosaic inspired breakfast.

Friday, April 25, 2008


My favorite way to prepare them is simple... saute in butter and add a little salt. They can be mixed with sauteed asparagus and accompanied by brown rice.
Later this month I will try a ramp/asparagus tart. Stay tuned...