Monday, August 13, 2007

Street Farm

I love this guerilla street garden on 6th avenue. The corn has grown about 8 feet tall and the amaranth is squeezing out from between the stalks. Its doing so well I wonder if its BT corn, although there are no ears yet. Is that a pollination issue?


Hsiaochien said...

Yes. This reminds me a similar scene in Taiwan I saw a urban farmer walks across a busy four lanes road to water his 4' wide small vegetable garden in center island. Very interesting globle urban phenomenon!

julie said...

Someone in the garden told me that a large area of corn needs to planted in order for it to cross pollinate and make corn, something like a 6x6 foot area. I tried to grow it once in my garden...the plants started to make corn, but the corn got eaten up by the squirrels.